Hello? Are you out there? My family?? Friends? I am back...not that I ever went away but my attention has been elsewhere. Don't worry! Nothing big has happened...the second story of our house is still sitting half primed and we are still sleeping in our den on the main floor. I will take a second and fill you in on a few minor things.
1) Jack is a big boy now.
He is potty-trained and loves to crash his trucks into each other.
2) LJ got a new job.
My husband is now a drug and alcohol counselor at the local prison here in town. He has to wear a tie to work everyday and is referred to as Mr. Joseph. Crazy I know...but he is really great with people and feels like he is making a change. I am so proud of him! He did tell me the other day that the rest of the prison staff calls drug counselors "Hug-A-Thugs". I find this extremely amusing and try to use it as much as possible.
3) Sage got famous.
First came a shout out from Martha (YEAH! THAT MARTHA!) and next came the launch of her own little magazine.
4) Sweet Wife Baking is baking!
Sooo for those of you that don't know, I have become a crazy little baking fool. I made the leap and am opening up a little bake shop. I plan on running it as more or a commercial kitchen to start with instead of an open for regular hours sort of business. Currently, I supply desserts to Paizano's Pizza and Earth and Vine Wine Bar. This is the main reason my blogging has all but ceased. More updates and pictures will follow soon...hopefully..within the next week or so.